An interesting May so far...

For quite a few days, Oskar cried non-stop and slept very little. Mikael was an awesome dad and carried the chubby boy all the time. Gemma came to me with a cold towel and placed it on my forehead.
Oskar got ulcers in his mouth. The ulcers caused a lot of pain each time he swallowed, no wonder he was crying all the time. Dr Sutoto suggested us to load him up with pain killers. I was a little reluctant but I was sad to see him in so much pain.
Now we are all back on our feet. I have gotten a week project with Nord Anglia to take photographs for 6 local schools.
I started the work on the 16th of Monday in two local kindergartens. All the little ones I met in schools were so sweet. The female teachers covered their faces with veils when I was taking the photos. In one occasion, I took a photo of a female teacher's shadow that was on a projector screen. Just to be on the safe side, I asked her if it was ok and showed her the dark shadow part on the photo. I was told that I must delete the photo quickly. Gosh, I didn't know even the shadow was forbidden to be photographed. But it was her shadow so she had her rights.

It's probably time for me to check on a new one. I am looking at Nikon D200 at the moment as a backup. The price here is actually 200 pounds(GBP) more than the UK. And this is supposed to be a duty-free country?
For the rest of May, we will be looking forward to Gemma's end of school concert (so excited!) as well as our 8th wedding anniversary. Almost forgot that Oskar will be six months old on the 19th.
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