Summer Escape

We were both extremely shocked and thought it would never end. Gemma came out in tears while I was thanking God for being alive. Funny thing was that became the best part of her holiday. Somewhere in that 6 years old mind is planning to do it again next time (not with me though.)

The other scary ride was based on the Finding Nemo movie and it was called Crush's Coaster. We really looked forward to this as we saw the beautiful scenery of the ride from the TV in the hotel. Oskar's height came too short for it so I decided to skip and let Dad go with Gemma. The real ride was very different from the tv ad and it was in fast speed with the rider sitting in a 360-degree spinning seat. Most of the time, the view was dark and all they did was spinning in all directions. The father and daughter came out of the exit both greenish face and about to puke.

The Sweden trip was all about meeting relatives and seeing animals. As I had to finish all the articles for the Taiwanese publisher, Mikael and his mother took care of the children. It worked out so well because my mother in law really missed her son and the grandchildren.
I did go on one trip with them to visit Mikael's aunt from his father's side. Kids and I knew little about Mikael's father who past away before we could meet each other. It was great for the children to hear stories about kindness and caring spirit of their grandpa. Gemma and Oskar had a hard time to leave because they fell in love with their grandaunt's dog, Tyson, a beautiful black Labrador.

Overall, the summer was a great outdoor experience for the kids, and I was so happy for them. We visited more than a handful of towns and villages during our stay in Sweden and consumed more than 5 kilos of wild berries. Yes, I was so proud to pick and eat them directly until that very moment when I spot a chunk of poo left by a wild deer next to the bushes that I just picked the berries from. No more pick and eat for me.
Coming home is a good feeling. I don't remember if I have said it before - I really enjoy living in UAE. The trip to Europe was very nice, but I could see how people struggled with the economic downfall. The nature was colourful in the summer like always, but a lot of unemployment with little money in hands coated an overall gray to people's daily living. Al Ain has certainly become an oasis in the desert for my family and me - it's a true blessing to be here.
To see more photographs captured from this summer holiday - check out:
Photo album one - one day in Paris
Photo album two- more snap shots
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