The Children
I was very touched by the sermon I heard this week from John Piper(@ - The Baby in My Womb Leaped for Joy, and the abortion issue was also mentioned.
A beautiful poem he read in the end really touched me. I want to remember it so I am posting it here.
The Children
Do you hear the children crying?
I can hear them every day,
Crying, sighing, dying, flying
Somewhere safe where they can play.
Somewhere safe from all the dangers,
Somewhere safe from crack and AIDS,
Safe from lust and lurking strangers,
Safe from war and bombing raids.
Somewhere safe from malnutrition,
Safe from daddy’s damning voice,
Safe from mommy’s cool ambition,
Safe from deadly goddess, Choice.
Do you hear the children crying?
I can hear them every day,
Crying, sighing, dying, flying
Somewhere safe where they can play.
* * * *
Do you see the children meeting?
I can see them in the sky,
Meeting, eating, meeting, greeting
Jesus with the answer why.
Why the milk no longer nourished,
Why the water made them sick,
Why the crops no longer flourished,
Why the belly got so thick.
Why they never knew the reason
Friends had vanished out of sight,
Why some suffered for a season,
Others never saw the light.
Do you see the children meeting?
I can see them in the sky,
Meeting, eating, meeting, greeting
Jesus with the answer why.
* * * *
Do you hear the children singing?
I can hear them high above,
Singing, springing, ringing, bringing
Glory to the God of love.
Glory for the gift of living,
Glory for the end of pain,
Glory for the gift of giving,
Glory for eternal gain.
Glory from the ones forsaken,
Glory from the lost and lone,
Glory when the infants waken,
Orphans on the Father’s throne
Do you hear the children singing?
I can hear them high above,
Singing, springing, ringing, bringing
Glory to the God of love.
* * * *
Do you see the children coming?
I can see them on the clouds,
Coming, strumming, drumming, humming
Songs with heaven’s happy crowds.
Songs with lots of happy clapping,
Songs that set the heart on fire,
Songs that make your foot start tapping,
Songs that make a merry choir.
Songs so loud the mountains tremble,
Songs so pure the canyons ring,
When the children all assemble
Millions, millions, round the King.
Do you see the children coming?
I can see them on the clouds,
Coming, strumming, drumming, humming
Songs with heaven’s happy crowds.
* * * *
Do you see the children waiting?
I can see them all aglow
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,
Who of us will rise and go?
Will we turn and fly to meet them
Will we venture something new?
I intend to rise and greet them.
Come and go with me, would you?
I understand the shocking feeling from an unexpected pregnancy and the trauma one goes through from the experience of abortion. It is all very hopeless and choice-less. My sadness goes to those who visit abortion center more than they visit their dentists in a year.
Does the freedom of abortion really matter to the ones who unfortunately have to exercise it? Can making abortion legal really release the taunting experience of baby killing on one's soul?
What kind of right that a government is giving to the people the freedom of abortion? I see desperate women and girls getting some peace of mind as their law has been laid in front of them that it's ok to kill a baby that they don't want- and all the sympathy goes to the mother-don't-want-to-be or mother-can-not-be. It's been made as easy as returning a piece of merchandise.
I heard those advices given to people who are shopaholics and get themselves in debts so badly, and they were told "STOP buying!" , and "Cut and THROW AWAY the credit card!!" What a pity those debtors can't just go into a clinic and get their debt clean up as easy as the pregnant women who take away their unwanted babies.
What are we turning our world into for our children (who have luckily survived and wanted by their parents)? We don't set ourselves right to be good examples and we condemn them when they make mistakes. We are busy showing them how to patch up holes instead of teaching them the way to build a solid foundation.
Well, we can waste time to point fingers at everyone else or we can BE the direct link of our young generation. As a mother who has the precious and overwhelming experiences of baring and giving birth to children -I believe it's naturally my business/major responsibility to guide and teach my kids the grand scale it takes to generate lives. So help me God that they will make the right choice in their journeys of life and be responsible of the steps they take. Help the mothers and fathers mature their minds and act up in their roles! Like Piper says to the President of United States, Be courageous! We parents too, should be courageous!
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