Talking about My Girl

These days getting Gemma to do something is like moving a giant rock, and without the thundering like sound effect, her ears would not hear a word I say. I wonder if she gets that from her father...
I don't think that I have ever been a person with patience (I can see Mikael nodding when he reads this part). But, yes, BUT, I am very quick at correcting myself if I realize that I have made a mistake. Anyway, one of my new year resolutions is to have patience.
Recently, sorry is the word that I say to Gemma at her bedtime before saying night night. Even though she has been acting up lately(sometimes she really drives all of us crazy), I can see that she has her reason (after I roared.)
Gemma is the most precious belonging in the whole world for me. Honestly, I love her just a tiny millimetre more than Oskar as she is my first child (and Oskar hasn't learned to read yet.) I spoiled her because she was this small preemie baby weighed only 1 kg.
After almost four years of undivided attention, positive talking and praising, Gemma now seems to be so gloomy that she feels most of the time we are just mad at her. In contrary, Oskar gets a whole lot of clapping and smiling even when he is sneezing or passing wind. All these happenings are under Gemma's eyes...
I repeatedly asked Gemma to get back to her seat and finish her meal today, she then said sadly that she just wanted to tell me she loved me. All she wants is a little more attention, and I have to realize that I haven't given her enough.
The favourite game she likes to play nowadays is acting like a kitty cat or pretending to be a baby. She crawls side by side with Oskar and sees if she can get some sweet baby talks from mommy. Sometimes I play her game but sometimes I just ask her to get up from the floor.
I want to be the best mother for my children. I read books and websites about parenting but there were times I just felt my reaction to situations was far away from any resource suggested. I often had to ask for forgiveness from Gemma.
Gemma has such a big heart. For a four-year-old, she has a much higher EQ than her 40 years old dad. She is also a great big sister. She looked out for Oskar from dangerous moments when mommy wasn't there. She is loving and never has any bad thoughts for anyone. She is artistic, and her drawings always show happiness. If Gemma can be multiplied, I would recommend any parent to get one as she is the best daughter on earth and beyond.

From 2008, and from this moment as I type, I have to change my way of speaking to Gemma. I disliked the way my mother was talking to me and I realised that I was somehow becoming her! There has to be a role model for me to be inspired. So watch out, I will be spying on you, mommy friends.
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