Princess of Halloween

Gemma was a princess at her third Halloween. Nowadays, everything needs to be PINK and princess-like, but occasionally she does take in something in purple.
After dressing her up, we looked at the mirror, she frowned and said that she had no boy to dance with...*sweat*. She ended up dancing with my big belly (there's a "little boy" inside). We did the ballroom waltz which involved lots of spinning...not so fun for me though.
We went to visit some of Mikael's co-workers for trick or treat and got quite a bit of goodies! It was a fun afternoon for Gemma as you can see from the photos (smiling all the way.)
Oh yes, around 1 or maybe 2 am, I heard package opening in the dining room. I checked that Gemma was in her bed sleeping and realised that it was Mikael munching on his daughter's candies.

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