Moving Again
I don't feel very creative today but I do feel a lot of pain on my back. I called Mikael and asked what contraction supposed to feel like. He thought for some seconds and said that he really didn't have any experience on this to tell me anything. -_-
From the last check-up for "Didi" (a nickname for our second one, meaning little brother in Mandarin), we were told that he had already reached 2.5 kilo. Everything looked well and we got to see a very clear image from the ultra-sound of his cute face.
Six more weeks to go before my full term is reached...I am getting more and more anxious. As for our living situation, the roof construction is finally done. We should be moving back to our suite by tomorrow. Nothing is set yet for the new baby. My "nesting instinct" is driving me mad and I am all pumped to get on some homemaking this weekend.
Since we are moving again (from one floor to another), the internet will need to be transferred and re-installed. With the Ramadan business hour and the coming Eid holiday(a big celebration for Muslims), I don't expect anything to be done by the telecom company at any time soon. So insa' alah I will get back to the online world,.
Picture: Gemma, the hairstylist.
From the last check-up for "Didi" (a nickname for our second one, meaning little brother in Mandarin), we were told that he had already reached 2.5 kilo. Everything looked well and we got to see a very clear image from the ultra-sound of his cute face.
Six more weeks to go before my full term is reached...I am getting more and more anxious. As for our living situation, the roof construction is finally done. We should be moving back to our suite by tomorrow. Nothing is set yet for the new baby. My "nesting instinct" is driving me mad and I am all pumped to get on some homemaking this weekend.
Since we are moving again (from one floor to another), the internet will need to be transferred and re-installed. With the Ramadan business hour and the coming Eid holiday(a big celebration for Muslims), I don't expect anything to be done by the telecom company at any time soon. So insa' alah I will get back to the online world,.
Picture: Gemma, the hairstylist.

這一天是我的生日 老公 小孩陪我ㄧ起在日本度過 臨時買不到蛋糕 就用冰淇淋蛋捲充當依下囉 去年沒過生日因為很不快樂 但女人40一枝花的今年 就得好好過依下了
sandy嫂 10/25/2006