Love this present

This "Hu Shen Fu" is such a great gift from Kaori, and it goes everywhere I go now. I am not so sure what's written in the back of the wooden plate, but at the front with the cat illustration - it prints "pray for well delivery" (have safe labour).
The last thing every prego wants is to suffer any complication with her pregnancy. In Al Ain where not many choices of maternity wards to choose from (actually there's only one), I suppose the only option is to pray for a normal pregnancy and healthy delivery.
Although there is a "state of art" hospital in a town called Tawan that claims to have the highest quality health care and technology, it's only limited to UAE nationals (the "locals"). Unless it's an emergency situation, they rarely open the door for the foreigners - some would raise eyebrows but I supposed this is their country so they decide how things are done.
Knowing my firstborn came on her 30th week and was only 1 kilo at birth, my doctor simply "advises" me to avoid premature delivery as our hospital (Oasis hospital) has no resources for preterm babies who are less than 2.5 kilos. Not that I have total control over the status of my pregnancy, but I will try to keep the baby inside and pump his weight up to at least 2.5 kilo to stay on the safe side.
Well, I get my Japanese blessing which I treasure so much. And with positive thoughts and visualisation of a smooth birth, I don't see there's any problem with baby number two...knock on wood :-)

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