
I'd been pregnant for 22 weeks + 3 days! It feels like only yesterday when I found out?!
Well, my bump has been growing and so is my appetite. During the past month, I've already gained 5 kilo from eating too much during the holiday.
At the clinic, we had an ultra-sound and saw our little guy scratching his head. This time I am sure that it is a boy - I definitely saw "that" as well. He is now 525g(baby, not "that") and seems to be very normal with his development.
My doctor told me about her vacation leave in August. She would be going home and visiting her family in Baghdad. Baghdad! I am feeling very insecure at the moment... Al-Ain is not a city where you get to find an oby doctor who you'd feel comfortable with. All I can do is to pray for her safe return and keep looking after me...(I know it sounds selfish...Shh).
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