Love you~Gemma

I don't really know what it's like for other mums who also have a girl who is 3, but for me, it's a spinning world each and every day.
Gemma, Gemma, are the funniest, sweetest, madest and "pinkest" little girl that I know. Every minute with you is like on a wild roller coaster. I never know what you would come up next.
You are the definition of a chatter-box. There's no single way to make you quiet for just one minute - you rather talk and talk instead of having a piece of your favourite chocolate(the deal is if you would only be quiet for one minute, you'd get a piece.) You couldn't make it and then you put on your sad kitten face. I just ended up listening to you chatty and let you have the chocolates.
What do you talk about always? A lot about princesses because they are your dear friends. You say that you are actually a princess who lives in the biggest pink and purple castle. You tell me about the animals you like. It takes a long time to listen because you like just about all the animals out there. All of your stuff toys have also stories about them. Sometimes, you talk about the things you've done "yesterday" but they were things that had happened a month ago. You say they have all happened "yesterday".
When you are not talking, you sing. You make up lyrics in your songs, and the songs always go on and on. You would make mummy dance with you while you are singing. If I don't, you cross your arms and walk away saying that you would never play with me again!
You always have to go first. You want to walk first, wash first, press the button first or jump to bed first - we all let you even though it often takes so long to wait for you.
When you tell us that you get to be the first to put on your shoes, we have to wait. On the way to the shoe rack, you discover a book, you try to open the book but have to close it because we remind you about putting on the shoes. Then you see a teddy, you take it and put it in the basket of your bike. You ask to bring the bike. Before we say anything, you get on the bike to have a ride. You start chatting about things while you ride, and one thing after another. Finally, you sense that I am losing my patience, you jump off the bike to put on your shoes. It only takes half an hour or maybe more just to wait for you to put on your shoes first.
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