"Insa alah", at last.

After months of hanging around, we finally got settled into our permanent rooms in the hotel and also bought a new car. The best news for me is that I finally have my "high speed" broadband. Feeling so disconnected for the past few months, now I am back to the online world.
The most used Arab vocabulary by the local people is "insa alah" which means if God is willing. From applying for our resident visas, buying a car to getting internet hooked up, we put our fates "insa alah" - because honestly there's no other way to get things done here. The culture here is very passive, and no one is taking any initiative. Whatever reason something goes wrong, it's God's will and for us, we just have to shove it- Afterall, can't really argue with the big mighty, can we?
It's in the middle of November, and the weather is just fabulous! In the daytime, it's around 28 to 30. In the evening, a little cool breeze with the climate around 23 degrees. I personally don't like to hang out at our hotel pool all that much. Uncover my rolls of fat and cottage cheezy legs around Mikael's colleagues just not the type of things I feel alright with...
I will soon be emailing family and friends a link to see some recent photos. As for Christmas, we will be staying in the desert because Mikael will be busy with his job. For those of you who are craving for warm winter sun, you are very welcome to visit us!

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